"That is so beautiful, you have me in tears. I cannot thank you enough for all of this." Andrea Campana

There's a beautiful peace that is felt when pure white Doves are released in memory of a loved one. Maybe it's the sound of their wings or the beautiful way they fly in unison so gracefully against the sky. When I first met Andy with GoDoves I discovered a calm, kind and thoughtful person who loves what he does. Having been raised around these types of birds, there's a beautiful friendship he has with these creatures. They always know where they are and will in every case be waiting for him when he returns to his home. Remarkable that there is a God given guidance system built in that tells the birds where home is. They all stick together and can fly for hours to arrive at their final destination. When you want to archive the moment, let Stories Well Told take you there. When symbolically escorting a loved one home to their heavenly rest, remember the beautiful doves at GoDoves. Our multi-camera approach lends itself to creating a memorial heirloom to share with family and friends for on demand streaming. Watch the interment video above and see how we combine video with a hand crafted slide show to create a moving legacy video of life well lived.
